Dear Friends,

The road trip is temporarily on hold...and we stress the word temporarily. After an amazing day at Frontier City, we were thrown a major curve ball. Dylan had a seizure last night at the hotel. It’s never happened before. We called 911 and in the meantime, some passerby guests came in to help. EMTs and police showed up within minutes. Dylan became somewhat responsive, but after evaluating him, they decided to take him to the hospital. A few hours later, he had a second, far more severe, intense seizure.

He slept most of the day today. He’s being treated for pneumonia (he aspirated while seizing) and Viral Meningitis (which they suspect is the root cause of the seizures).

Dylan tested positive for COVID, but it's important to reiterate what the doctors told us. He’s nearly asymptomatic (no fever, cough, etc.) We had no idea he had COVID and there was no reason to suspect it. Dylan, due to his Down syndrome, has a remarkably high threshold for discomfort. If he has had any abnormal discomfort/pain, it was not noticeable. He is in the hospital due to the seizures (and trying to get to the root cause), not the COVID.

More tests coming, but the prognosis is good. We are not sure how long we will be in Oklahoma City, but most-likely it will be at least a few more days. Honestly, Oklahoma City is a wonderful place with some amazing people. More on that later.

So, the road trip. We are not sure what the road trip looks like after this, but we will figure it out. We might push everything back by a few days. We might have to cut some parks out. We might have to just postpone the trip again and head home (though that's not likely based on what we are being told at the hospital).

The past 36 hours has been a major roller-coaster...just not the one we were expecting. We appreciate all the support, kind words and comments. If you pray, please say one for Dylan.

Rob, Stephanie, Dylan, Savannah, and Lincoln